
Set incident to contain sensitive information

Input fields

incidentId (String!)
isSensitive (Boolean!)

Return fields

_id (ID!)


classification (ThreatClassification)

The classification of the incident, calculated by classifications of the threats and severity

createdAt (Date)

Created At

escalation (IncidentEscalation)

Escalation metadata

firstReportedAt (Date)

First reported at

globalThreatCount (Int!)

Count of related threats in the whole hoxhunt network

hasSensitiveInformation (Boolean)

If incident has sensitive information

humanReadableId (ID!)


lastReportedAt (Date)

Last reported at

notes ([IncidentNote])

Notes left for an incident

organization (Organization!)

Organization that this incident happened in

organizationId (ID!)

Organization ID

policyName (IncidentPolicy!)

Which incident policy created this incident

responseUrl (String!)

Link that can be used to view the incident in the Hoxhunt Respnse UI

ruleMatches ([IncidentRuleMatch!]!)

Incident rules that have matched the incident @filterable @sortable

Argument Type Description
filter IncidentRuleMatch_filter
sort [IncidentRuleMatch_sort]
severity (ThreatSeverity)

Incident severity

socClassification (SocClassification)

Soc classification

state (IncidentState!)

Incident of the state, e.g. RESOLVED

threatCount (Int!)

Count of related threats

threatMetadata (ThreatMetaData)

Metadata about the threats in the incident

threats ([Threat]!)

Threats related to the incident @filterable @paginatable @sortable

Argument Type Description
after ID
before ID
filter Threat_filter
first Int
last Int
search String
skip Int
sort [Threat_sort]
updatedAt (Date)

Updated At