


attachments ([ThreatEmailAttachment])

Attachments array

bcc ([EmailName])

Bcc array

cc ([EmailName])

Cc array

date (Date)

When was the message sent

from ([EmailName])

From array

headers ([EmailHeader]!)

Email headers array

heavilySanitizedBody (FileResource)

Links to email body as a downloadable resource (Sanitized HTML with text fallback - Scripts and links are removed)

messageId (String)


mime (FileResource)

Email MIME url

priority (String)

Priority of the email

sanitizedBody (FileResource)

Links to email body as a downloadable resource (Sanitized HTML with text fallback - Scripts are removed and links obfuscated)

sanitizedHtml (String)

Email body (Sanitized HTML - Scripts are removed and links obfuscated)

sanitizedText (String)

Email body (Sanitized Text - Runs through sanitation as well)

subject (String)

Subject e.g. Greetings from Mars!

to ([EmailName])

To array