
Represents a User



_id (ID!)

User's unique id

createdAt (Date)

When the user was created

emails ([EmailAddress!]!)

Users EmailAddresses

game (Game!)

Game contains information about the current game status

organization (Organization!)

Organization the user belongs to

profile (UserProfile!)

Users profile

quests ([Quest]!)

Quests sent to user @filterable @sortable @paginatable

Argument Type Description
after ID
before ID
filter Quest_filter
first Int
last Int
skip Int
sort [Quest_sort]
softDeletedAt (Date)

When user was scheduled for deletion

trainingPackages ([UserTrainingPackage!]!)

Security awareness training packages user has completed or started @filterable

Argument Type Description
filter UserTrainingPackage_filter
updatedAt (Date)

When user was last updated

willBeHardDeletedAt (Date)

When will the system perform scheduled deletion